Breaking Cycles is an international NGO with 501c3 status from 2022 in the USA (incorporated in the state of Delaware). You can look up our 501c3 status here by searching BREAKING CYCLES INC. Although we have no physical office to save funds, we are currently focusing our programs in and around Quito, Ecuador.


Our team consists of:

-Rebekah Murray (from New Zealand, based in Ecuador)

-Juan Manuel Crespo (Ecuador)

-Maria Cerda (from Ecuador/ USA and based in New York, USA)

-Alfonso Falcony (Ecuador)


All our team members come from a variety of backgrounds and have different sets of skills that complement each other.


If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer or helping us out in any way, please contact us here.

Rebekah Murray Executive Director

Rebekah is from New Zealand and came to live in Ecuador in 2016. As a Zoologist and Animal Physiologist, she fell in love with the country and the many different ecosystems it offered. She began writing bilingual children’s books in 2018 and is also an English teacher.


Aside from all of this, she has always been an advocate for conservation and the environment. She has always wanted to challenge all people to recognize and break the bad habits that have become acceptable in our world such as producing a lot of rubbish. She also could see so many people with so much potential, but not a lot of opportunity. She believes that every person has a habit or a behavior that needs to be challenged and changed.

Juan Manuel Crespo

Juan Manuel is from Ecuador and one of his passions has always been to positively impact his environment. As an entrepreneur in the field of technology he has sought to empower everyone around him including those in his team, by challenging the “status quo” of their way of thinking and acting.


Through “Breaking Cycles” he seeks to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and free thought especially in the younger generations so that they can be conductors of their own lives and destinies.
